
Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman by Marc Tyler Nobleman; Illustrated by Ross MacDonald

When you read this book, I believe you will know just the hands into which you will put this story. It tells the tale of the two dweebish outcasts – Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster – whose fascination with pulp fiction and comic strips helped them escape from their Depression era teenage lives of unheated homes and missing parents. The two used their talents – Jerry’s imagination & writing and Joe’s imagination & drawing – to create a character that helped others through the end of the Great Depression, through a world war and continues to offer entertainment and escape for people today.

There is a long note at the end which offers facts about the legal battles between Siegel, Shuster and DC Comics, a bibliography at the end and a note that all dialogue between the two came from interviews.

The illustrations by Ross MacDonald are fabulous – done in the style of the era and genre.

1 comment:

  1. Second. Brandon says it exactly right - you know who needs this book. Your lovable dweebs that need reasurance that that imagination of theirs just might pay off one day.
    Period-style illustrations enhance the feel of depression as the guys build their character into the man of steel.
    Good read aloud with lots of background material that adds even more interest and age appropriatness to the story. The background inf. makes this one for middle schools. I'm giving it to our business/mkt teacher.
