
Sandy's Circus by Tanya Lee Stone illustrated by Boris Kulikov

In a year when musicians have been a popular topic for picture books, Tanya Lee Stone and Boris Kulikov have reached back to bring us the childhood and young adulthood of sculptor Alexander Calder. Focusing on Calder's amazing circus in a suitcase that charmed Paris, this creative pair has produced a delightfully engaging book. Stone's prose is somewhat overpowered by Kulikov's fascinating illustrations. His jumps in point of view and selective areas of color and black and white are a large part of the book's charm factors. With only a teasing view of the big mobiles on the last page, readers will have to consult other sources for Calder's more famous works. Sandy's Circus, though, will definitely make young readers curious to learn more about this remarkable artist. Recommended for ages 6 and up.

1 comment:

  1. Second. This book has great potential for use in the middle school art curriculum. Teachers could use it as a read-aloud to introduce a wire sculpture unit, for instance. It is a good introduction to Calder's work.
