
Trout Are Made of Trees April Pulley Sayre

A very child-centered and eco-friendly way to explore the concept of a food web. In this case some campers set up camp by the edge of a stream and watch as leaves fall in the water and decompose and become food for other creatures. Of course those are eaten by bigger creatures. The book follows the life cycle of trout and points out that the trout eat the creatures that ate the creatures that ate the leaves. Therefore the trout are made of trees as are the people who eat the trout and the bears that also eat trout. Bears are not explained--but clearly bears eat fish. This really makes the concept easy to understand and accessible for kids. The title will encourage them to pick it up--just to see what it is about!

The collage illustrations really show what is happening and the joy experienced by the campers as they witness each stage of the events unfolding in the stream.

The acknowledgements make it clear that there were some experts involved in the making of this book. The back of the book contains a more detailed explanation of the trout life cycle. There is also a bibliography of print and electronic resources and a "Be a Stream Hero" section encouraging conservation and protection of our waterways. Recommended for K-3.

1 comment:

  1. Second. This is an attractive and simple explanation of a food web. The multi-ethnic illustrations are bright and kid friendly.
