
Frogs by Nic Bishop

Fabulous photography and fun facts make this a superior science book for elementary and middle school students. Frogs as large as newborn babies, frogs you can see through, a frog that ate seventeen young cobras at one sitting: these are some of the creatures that Bishop brings us. The high resolution close-up portraits of many kinds of frogs are impossible to resist. An author's note explains how he was able to take these amazing pictures. Index and glossary included.


  1. Second! Man, this one's cool. Almost every page brought a "Wow, I had no idea..." Even the background colors for each page were impressive. Obviously each color was chosen to show off the the beauty, yes BEAUTY, of the frog in that photo. Just enough ickyness to keep a reluctant reader engaged.
    - One weird thing, does the font of the photo cations bother anyone else. It's partailly print and partially cursive (the s's in particular) Will that confuse kids that aren't cursive readers?

  2. This book is beautiful and filled with fun facts. I also enjoyed reading the author's notes about the book at the end, and found the index and glossary informative.

    I do agree with Betsy that the caption font is a little odd - and could confuse younger kids.
